Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The flight coming from the Netherlands to Michigan on Christmas day started out as a normal flight for the passengers, but before it was over it would become one that everyone would remember. As the flight came to and end passengers began yelling and shouting...FIRE. Jasper Schuringa(left), the hero of the flight and a dutch filmmaker, upon realizing what was occuring had what he called a knee-jerk reaction and lept over several seats to where a man was seated but on fire. He grabbed from the man what turned out to be pentaerythritol tetranitrate, and enough of it to blow a hole in the plane. Fortunately the device failed to detonate completely. After the fire had been stamped out the suspect Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab was taken to the front of the plane, hand cuffed and searched for other explosives. For everyone on the flight they were very thankful to Schuringa for reacting like he did. Their christmas present was landing safely in Michagan.

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